Established in 2005, Greubel’s MMA’s CARDIO KICKBOXING BOOTCAMP is the original! Designed and developed by the head coach of the United States kickboxing team, Mark Greubel. This isn’t isn’t a toned down TAE BO class. This is the REAL DEAL! CARDIO KICKBOXING BOOTCAMP is a High intensity, fat scorching, body sculpting, 1000+ calorie burning, muscle toning, ab shredding, karate body workout! After 1 class you will know that you made the right choice to super charge your body toning goals! In this class you will punch and kick heavy bags, do body weight exercises, plyometrics, abs, core strength, and full body stretches after every class! Get tight, get toned, get more flexible, get your six pack, get your KARATE BODY NOW!
A glimpse into the kids class, portions of pro boxer< Brandon Big Bear Spencer training for a title fight, and a testimonial from one of our female Cardio Kickboxing Students , Emily.